About Us

Smart Lab of the Future

AYUMETRIX was founded to empower individuals to take charge of their health and wellness using innovative and convenient self-sample collection anywhere any time in their own privacy. It is a global company, which offers integrative laboratory testing services with intuitive results and actionable insights.

Our Mission

To create widespread adoption of an innovative model of laboratory testing that demonstrates near term potential to elevate the quality of life, and extend the length of life, for all.

Our Science

AYUMETRIX is a laboratory of the future and uses the most advanced and state of the art equipment and technologies like LC-MS/MS, ICP-MS, ELISA, Chemiluminescence, RT-PCR, DNA Sequencing, Robotics.

Each assay (with clinical samples) is performed with internal/ external controls within the assay ranges of low, medium, and high. Periodic reviews of QA/QC processes are completed. These reviews are intended to audit daily, weekly, and monthly QA/QC activities that could potentially affect the integrity of patient results.

AYUMETRIX participates in external quality assurance program that provides independent assessment of performance with respect to well-defined external standards. We are currently enrolled in the College of American Pathologists program (CAP).

Our Licenses

Our Clinical Advisors

Ron Rothenberg MD

As a pioneer in the field of Preventive and Regenerative Medicine, Ron Rothenberg, M.D. was among the first group of physicians to be recognized for his expertise in this rapidly emerging field. The 10th M.D. in the world to become fully board certified in by the American Board of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, Ron Rothenberg, MD founded California HealthSpan Institute in Encinitas, California in 1998 with a commitment to transform our understanding of and finding treatment for aging as a disease.

Dr. Rothenberg is dedicated to the belief that the process of physical aging can be slowed, stopped, or even reversed through existing medical and scientific interventions. In this way heath, fitness and peak performance can be optimized. Challenging traditional medicine’s approach, California HealthSpan Institute’s mission is to create a paradigm shift in the way we view medicine and aging and declining fitness: treat the cause. California HealthSpan now treats and designs custom programs for patients in California and worldwide. (From every continent except Antarctica) Dr. Rothenberg has always challenged the medical field’s ability to embrace new information and adapt practices accordingly. Upon graduating from Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Rothenberg performed his residency in Emergency Medicine at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center. At the time, the specialty of Emergency Medicine (like Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine) was not widely recognized by the medical community. In fact, it was dismissed by most as unnecessary.

Dr. Rothenberg is dedicated to the belief that the process of physical aging can be slowed, stopped, or even reversed through existing medical and scientific interventions. In this way heath, fitness and peak performance can be optimized. Challenging traditional medicine’s approach, California HealthSpan Institute’s mission is to create a paradigm shift in the way we view medicine and aging and declining fitness: treat the cause. California HealthSpan now treats and designs custom programs for patients in California and worldwide. (From every continent except Antarctica) Dr. Rothenberg has always challenged the medical field’s ability to embrace new information and adapt practices accordingly. Upon graduating from Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Rothenberg performed his residency in Emergency Medicine at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center. At the time, the specialty of Emergency Medicine (like Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine) was not widely recognized by the medical community. In fact, it was dismissed by most as unnecessary.

Dr. Homer Lim, MD

As an integrative medical doctor whose expertise includes cancer, detoxification and energy medicine, Dr Homer Lim is a well sought international speaker.

Currently he is the President of the International Anti Aging and Integrative Medicine Society (iAIMs) as well as the Philippine Society of Orthomolecular medicine (PSOM). He is the Medical Director at Akesis Holistic Health based in Manila Philippines, senior medical consultant for Heilen Wellness Center as well as Visiting Consultant for the Tree of Life Hub in Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

As a speaker, Dr Homer Lim is well known for his workshops on intravenous therapies, ie vitamins, herbs and combining the best of conventional and complementary therapies.

Dr. Claus Muss

Besides being a medical clinician in Anti-Aging and Preventive Medicine Prof. Muss is a researcher in Clinical Biochemistry and also a specialist in Nutrition, Tropical Medicine and Immunology. He is the President of the International Research Group for Preventive Medicine (I-GAP) Vienna for higher education and research in the field of Preventive Medicine; Chairman European Society for Stress Medicine (D-A-CH); Vice-Chairman European Center for Aging Research and Education (ECARE); Board member Swiss Society for Antiaging and Preventive Medicine (SSAAMP); Chairman of the European Association for Nutritional Medicine (EANUM) and has been awarded several honors and awards in the field of Nutrition and Preventive Medicine.

As a Scientist, he Heads the Institute for Klinische Enährungs und Präventionsmedizin (PIKEM) Vienna; a Coeditor of 7 international scientific Journals and over 78 Publications

As a Clinician, Dr. Muss is the Head of Anti-Aging and Preventive Medicine Clinic Augsburg/Germany, Private clinic for Prevention Medicine Vienna/Austria, Swiss clinic for Revitalisation Lucerne/Switzerland.

He is also the FAO/ WHO representative in different countries of West Africa.

Dr. Gabriela Mercik

A pioneer in the world of anti-aging medicine, Dr. Gabriela is responsible for introducing some of the most exciting and novel non-invasive treatments to the UK including the award winning BeautyLiftTM with PDO threads, GloToxTM, the injectable facelift with MoonlightDustTM the molecular water facial.

In addition to her role as a doctor, innovator and international speaker, Dr. Gabriela is one of the select group of master injectors, her delicate and nuance touch makes her a favorite with a high profile clientele, including royalty and celebrities, who travel the globe to benefit from her expertise.

Dr. Gabriela’s career began 17 years ago in cardiology and internal medicine. She worked at the hospital for the transplantation of hearts and lungs for 10 years and rose swiftly to become one of Poland’s leading cardiologists. Her career then took her to Northern Ireland, where she worked in cardiology and palliative care. During her time in Northern Ireland Dr. Gabriela became interested in aesthetic medicine and the hugely positive effect it can have on a person’s self-esteem. She began sourcing new and exciting treatments for the UK market- including PDO threads, Nanopeptide Mesotherapy, and molecular water skincare-developing bespoke protocols and training doctors and nurses in their applications.

Dr. Gabriela is the Medical Director for the Aesthetics Lab in Primrose Hill and also Dr. Gabriela’s Clinic in Omagh Northern Ireland.

Dr. Naina Sachdev

known as NAINAMD™ most recently, served as the Ambassador for Procter & Gamble Olay’s Regenerist skincare line, launched internationally.

She is also ABAARM certified Medical Director at NAINAMD Anti-Aging & Regenerative Clinic in Beverly Hills, CA and affiliate clinics with her current international client base from Beverly Hills to Dubai.

As a known speaker domestically and internationally she is highly regarded for her expertise in Anti-Aging and Regenerative which include aesthetic, functional medicine and integrative cutting edge treatments she has researched and practiced for 15 yrs.

She most recently has been selected for an international calendar 2015-2016 along with Miss America 2015 as a role model for women’s empowerment Saris to Suits charity started by CNN news reporter Patti Tripartite.

Dr Cecil Y.M Wong

Dr Cecil Y.M Wong was trained as an Obstetrician/Gynecologist and graduated from the National University of Singapore in 1972. He obtained his M.R.C.O.G degree in United Kingdom in 1981. Subsequently he was appointed as a lecturer and re -search fellow in the University of Singapore for three years before he left to set up Singapore Women’s Clinic and other private Institutions of Medicine.

For the past 15 years, in addition to doing gynecological surgery, he has done re-search and application of Cells Technology in Wellness and Regenerating Medicine. He also has great interest in chronic diseases prevention and treatment such as Diabetes, Hypertension, Cancers, Auto Immune Diseases and Degenerative diseases. Dr Wong was one of the first Gynecologists to switch from Synthetic Non Bio- identical Hormones to Bio – identical Hormones in his practice. He had treated using Bio- identical Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Hydrocortisone and Thyroid Hormones.  Dr Wong has also great experience using Human Growth Hormones and Oxytocin.
  • Lecturer of National University of Singapore (K.K Hospital/NUH) 1979- 1981
  • President of Singapore Women’s Clinic (Founder)
  • President of Health Glow clinic (Founder)
  • President/Managing Director of La Clinic Singapore (Founder)
  • President of La Clinic Hong Kong (Founder)
  • Founder member of La Clinique De Paris Anti -Aging Clinic Hong Kong
  • Life Member of American academy of Anti -Aging Medicine (A4M) USA

Heather Bird

Heather has a Masters of Business Administration, and has worked for the World Health Organization. During her early career, Heather worked in nursing homes, caring for the elderly suffering from age-related diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. She was very moved by the dreadful effects of ageing and age related degenerative diseases. Later when she learned about the revolutionary new anti-ageing medicine, she became inspired and embarked upon her crusade to make the benefits of anti-ageing and preventive medicine available to as many people as possible.

Over the years, Heather has developed a great knowledge and understanding of anti-ageing medicine and treatments through extensive research and study with renowned doctors in this field. This has resulted in her bringing together world-renowned anti-ageing specialists to establish HB Health and introduce to the UK innovative treatments and therapies that will enable her clients to live high quality, more active and enjoyable lives. Heather travels a great deal and searches the world for the latest breakthroughs in anti-ageing and recruits the finest experts for her clinics.

  • Founder and President of HB Health Clinics, London, UK
  • Chairperson of the Anti-Ageing Conference London (AACL)
  • Board of Directors of the World Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (WAAAM)
  • Board of Directors of the European Society of Anti-Ageing Medicine (ESAAM)
  • Founder and member of the Board of Directors of the British Society of AntiAgeing Medicine (BSAAM)